4 Interesting Auto Insurance Discounts Every Driver Needs To Know About

Most consumers want to save money on their auto insurance. Discounts are helpful to get premiums lowered. There are a variety of discounts available. Insurance companies can choose which types of discounts to offer to their customers. Most companies offer common discounts that are well-known, but there are a few hidden gems that savvy consumers should inquire about. The following points highlight a few discounts to be aware of.

Cash-back for Safe Driving

This is a newer type of discount that some insurance companies have begun offering. They reward drivers for having an accident-free driving history for a set period of time. This type of discount differs from low premiums based on the whole driving history. Instead, an insurance company will determine a "lookback period" to qualify drivers for cashback rewards. If a driver goes a certain period of time accident-free, they reward them with cashback. The option for getting funds varies depending on the company. Some apply the amount towards the policy cost, which lowers the next payment. Others may distribute checks or deposit the funds into the account the insured uses to pay their premiums.

Paperless Discount

Many companies are recognizing how much paper waste they are responsible for. They know that they can lower their carbon footprint by printing fewer bills. Drivers who opt to go paperless may receive a discount for choosing to use online options to view bills and other correspondence. 

Student Discount

There are likely many student discounts. However, two are common among insurance providers. Student drivers who have good grades might get rewarded by their insurance companies for their academic performance. Another student discount might be extended to individuals who attend higher learning institutions. Enrollment rather than grades are the determining factor. College student-athletes may also get discounts from some insurance companies. 

Multi-policy Discounts

Insurance providers want the best experiences for their customers. Some companies reward their customers for insuring multiple vehicles or combining other types of insurance. In effect, the more policies that an individual has the more savings they might expect. This is a discount that can simplify life because individuals do not have to keep track of multiple policies from different companies.

An auto insurance agent is a good resource to use to learn more about discounts. They can determine if there are any discounts their clients qualify for. A good rule of thumb is to practice good driving habits, which is a key way to get lower insurance rates over time. 

Contact a local auto insurance agent for more info. 
