Seven Reasons Why You Can't Afford Your Automobile Policy

If you can't afford your automobile insurance policy, it's important to analyze the reasons why your policy costs are so high. When you do this, you may be able to pursue a lower-cost policy with some research and effort. The following are seven possible reasons why you can't afford your automobile policy.

Driving record

If your driving record has many infractions on it, you're going to pay more for your automobile policy than you would otherwise. In fact, a vehicle owner's driving record is one of the primary factors insurance providers look at when determining the cost of a policy.

If your driving record is making it so that your automobile policy is not affordable, it's important to focus on avoiding infractions and improving your record. 

Driver age

Insurance coverage is typically significantly more expensive for younger drivers. If you are a younger driver, be patient. As time goes on, your automobile policy premiums should go down so that your policy becomes more affordable. 

Vehicle model

The vehicle model that you're insuring impacts the cost of your policy. The more expensive your vehicle is, the more expensive your coverage is likely to be. Your vehicle model could also drive costs up if it doesn't come along with a lot of safety features.

It's always a good idea to look at the costs of insuring a particular vehicle model before you choose to purchase it. If your auto policy is expensive because of your vehicle model, you might want to switch to a different vehicle to bring insurance costs down. 

Credit score

Poor credit can bring up your auto insurance costs significantly in some cases. You need to put effort into bringing up your credit score if your auto insurance costs are too high to be affordable due to credit history issues. 

Residence address

Auto insurance is more expensive in certain areas. If you live in an urban area, you may find that your policy costs are quite high. Auto insurance is also higher in certain states than in others. 

History of coverage

Certain factors regarding your coverage history could push up the costs of your automobile policy significantly. For example, your coverage may cost more if you've had lapses of coverage in the past. You might also have to pay more if you've had many claims filed against past policies. 

Coverage options

Coverage options such as very high coverage maximums or low deductibles can make your automobile policy costs high. You might want to reconsider your coverage options if your policy costs are too high for you to afford. 
