Inexpensive Homeowner's Insurance For An Existing Property

Buying a home in a good location (secure, not too far from emergency services, and not prone to natural disasters) is a good way to secure inexpensive homeowners insurance. If you already have a home, the following tips will help you get affordable coverage even if the location is not that great.

Maintain the Property

Poor maintenance increases the risk of damage to your home, and high risks lead to high insurance premiums. For example, if you don't maintain your plumbing system, the plumbing pipes may burst and flood your home with water. If you don't maintain the roof, it may suffer wind damage during an extreme storm. Therefore, maintain your home to reduce the risks of damage and enjoy lower premiums.

Install Safety and Security Systems

Apart from damage and liability claims, homeowner's insurance also protects you from theft-related claims. Thus, your premiums may rise if your home is susceptible to criminals and you may enjoy lower premiums if you take measures to guard against thieves.

Some of the measures that may help include installing strong doors and windows, installing security alarms, and clearing bushes that may hide criminals, among others. Talk to your insurance agent about specific measures that your insurance carrier may consider useful.

Get an Accurate Assessment and Coverage

You can easily over-insure your home if you buy the wrong coverage or don't use accurate values of your properties when buying coverage. For example, you should not include the value of the land in which your house sits when you appraise the house. Homeowner's insurance doesn't cover the land so you shouldn't insure it too. Also, you shouldn't bother with additional structures' coverage if your main house is the only structure in your home.

Bundle Your Policies

Bundling coverage is the practice of buying multiple lines of insurance from one carrier. For example, if you have umbrella liability, auto insurance, and home insurance from different carriers, you can switch two policies so that you have all three from one carrier. Most carriers will reward you with a discount, effectively lowering your rates, if you opt for a coverage bundle.

Avoid Attractive Nuisances

Attractive nuisances are things that kids love, but can also harm the kids. Examples include open wells, abandoned appliances, and trampolines, among others. Don't have such things on your property if you don't want your coverage rates to hike.

Hopefully, the above tips will help you enjoy an affordable homeowner's insurance. Consult an insurance agent, such as at United Counties Insurance Group, further help on how to lower your homeowner's insurance premiums.
